23 October, 2020

Against the Tides of Cruelty


Well, look, I still have a blog. I haven't been here in over three years.  Do people still look at blogs?  

I self-published my novel, The Ballad of Johnny Arcane. It didn't exactly take off, but a few people read it.  You can get a copy through most online book sellers.

I am retired now.  I am picking away at a new novel but it's  hard to get up the momentum to finish it or even imagine publishing it.  In Covid-19 isolation I have been spending a lot of time making videos of my songs and posting them on YouTube.  Here's one now.  If I get any response to this, I'll share some more.  I'll try to look at and comment on some of your blogs if there are any out there.  There really is a lot to discuss.